Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Setback

Today, for the first time since I've started using the Wii Fit, I feel insulted by it. I'm used to being given a higher body age and being told that I'm weak. (Well, in actual fact, that I have a weak balance - for it to call me weak might be a step to far.) It's even accused me of often tripping up whilst I walk down the street.

But today my body age was 13 years over my real age.

And it told that I'd put on two pounds since yesterday.

Then it demanded to know why I'd put on weight. It gave me a choice of options (including "I don't know", which is pretty much what I wanted to cry at the telly) but I chose the option of "eating too much". It chided me for this, and told me to eat more slowly.

Yeah, thanks for the advice, Wii Fit!! If you weren't a bit of white plastic, you'd find it hard not too eat too much of a delicious spicy chicken stir fry too!

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